after brewing some beer. I figured it was fitting since it was St. Patty's Day!
It was pretty awesome. It took a bit of time, but was a good adventure none the less. One of the more frustrating aspects is that I won't get to taste it for another 5 weeks or so, and I therefore won't know if I screwed it up until then.
Below are what I started off with.. the malt is in the container. Next to that are the milled grains, then the sugar for bottling, yeast for fermentation, and hops for taste.
I have already figured out a bunch of what I would do differently next time, particularly with the cooling process. Also, the directions told me to add 2.5 gallons of water to the fermenting pail, but that ended up setting me up with some 6 gallons total rather than 5. Not sure how that is going to affect it. This should be interesting.
I am thinking I might bottle this first batch rather than keg just in case it sucks. Which it has some potential to do!
It took me 5 hours, largely because it takes so long to boil such a large quantity of liquid!
I then went for a 3 mile run, and took Lewis for a walk, all before work.
Love not having to go to work till 5!
Happy St. Patty's day peeps!
Been running at all lately?
Been running regularly, but the blog has been lagging since I started classes again. Perhaps it will pick up again in June. At least that is my hope.
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