Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I went on a run...

after brewing some beer. I figured it was fitting since it was St. Patty's Day!

It was pretty awesome. It took a bit of time, but was a good adventure none the less. One of the more frustrating aspects is that I won't get to taste it for another 5 weeks or so, and I therefore won't know if I screwed it up until then.

Below are what I started off with.. the malt is in the container. Next to that are the milled grains, then the sugar for bottling, yeast for fermentation, and hops for taste.

I have already figured out a bunch of what I would do differently next time, particularly with the cooling process. Also, the directions told me to add 2.5 gallons of water to the fermenting pail, but that ended up setting me up with some 6 gallons total rather than 5. Not sure how that is going to affect it. This should be interesting.

I am thinking I might bottle this first batch rather than keg just in case it sucks. Which it has some potential to do!

It took me 5 hours, largely because it takes so long to boil such a large quantity of liquid!

I then went for a 3 mile run, and took Lewis for a walk, all before work.

Love not having to go to work till 5!

Happy St. Patty's day peeps!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So I washed my car...

and thought about how awesome ritual is. I mean, I was in the middle of washing my car, listening to some country, and when I looked up was rather surprised to see myself in my backyard in California. I fully expected to be back in SD. Wiping down the Jeep became so a part of my SD summers, and there is something which I rather miss in the frequent washings which just are not a requirement out here in the desert land of socal.

Made me want to be home.

So I purchased tickets...

to Big Kenny today. I am pretty stoked. Life is good.

So I awoke to shaking...

and slowly opened my eyes. I was slightly confused, wondering if it was a dream or reality. My typical method of detection is to lay very still and look to see if Janelle is engaging in another of her highly active dream states. She was already out of the bed walking to the living room. In my sleepy state I asked her what she was doing, to which she responded that she was responding to Lewis' barking, assuming he needed to go outside. She returned confused, wondering why Lewis was still just sitting in his beanbag rather than wanting to go outside. I asked if she felt the earthquake, to which she suggested that I was delusional or half sleeping. I was perhaps both.

Yet, upon awaking the internet blogrolls informed me that I was in fact correct.

The rest of my morning has been much more uneventful. But it is a wonderful summer day and I am in the mood for some outdoor landscaping projects. I am sitting on my front step, drinking some refreshing cream soda with Lewis lounging in the shade of my chair, and just thinking of summer.

After the last few weeks of rain, and a couple trips to the mountain snow, it feels like spring has come in fast forward. Summer is here, things are green, and the outdoors is beckoning me to make it beautiful. Something about not having class frees up my time and allows me to dream about all these projects I want to start. I am pretty excited. Here are a few...

1. Brewing beer. I am going to start this project tomorrow and keep you all up to date on its progress. I am pretty excited.

2. Create flower bed. We have this space in front of our living room window that is just dirt. No boarder between it and the lawn. I want to put something there, some colorful flowers perhaps. We shall see.

3. Build a fireplace. This one would be a process but totally awesome. We have the beautiful twin palm trees in our backyard and it would be pretty kickass to go get a bunch of bricks and build a little patio/fireplace like I have always been annoying my dad to build in our yard back home. You can pick up all kinds of cheap bricks on craigslist so we shall see. Something to plan at least, and I sure do like to plan.

4. Remove top and doors from the jeep. I think I will go conquer this one right now. It is beautiful outside and gives me a reason to work on tanning my extremely manly body. Janelle will be very appreciative.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So I went to the store...

the beer brewing store to be exact. I purchased a brewing kit and the necessary ingredients to begin my first trial brew. It is similar to Sierra Nevada, at least that is what it is supposed to be like. Pictures shall be posted soon.

My excitement is peaked!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

So I went on a run...

in order to take my mind off of my imminent final papers and just continued to mull issues in my head. I am currently in a Life of Jesus class which is one of the few which I don’t need to entertain myself by surfing the internet for the newest beer brewing ideas. Instead I find myself intently listening and responding, even speaking up in class to answer questions, which any of my peers will tell you is a rarity.

I hate speaking in class, unlike in the outside world.

Anyway, the final paper is a response to a book on five views of the Historical Jesus. The arguments range over a broad spectrum, from some claiming that Jesus never stepped foot upon the earth, but instead was merely a societal construct along the lines of myth, to the traditional evangelical understanding in which the gospel material is a reliable source of history (both of which seem slightly crazy to me).

Well, I got to thinking about how different the arguments are, but how each truly believes they are right. In fact, each has devoted countless hours scouring the text in order to support their argument, and in so doing have come to a strikingly different conclusion than their associates.

I was on the last leg of my run when “God on our Side” sung by Straylight Run, came on my iPod. This is originally a Dylan song I believe, and if anyone wants to truly understand what I was contemplating they should listen to the song as it sums up my thoughts and likely caused me to select Straylight for my run in the first place.

I mean it goes on to speak of the countless times humanity, individuals, and societies have had God on their side to do something strikingly contrary to anything “good.” From WWII to countless other atrocities, God is always on the side of the victor. It is odd. It is scary.

The song goes on to contemplate Judas, finally questioning whether or not Judas too had God on his side. It is a valid question which we rarely ask. I mean the guy gets a bad rap, he killed the Christ for crying out loud. But pre-Easter, there isn’t much wonder why he doubted the guy. I mean Jesus seemed to pretty much stick his nose up at the religious establishment multiple times. He was certainly flying lose with the law on multiple occasions, and his social practices were not beyond reproach. He was accused of being a drunkard and possessed by Satan.

We often look at Judas as the idiot who wanted the damn silver, but often I wonder if he just wanted to do the right thing. I mean, from one side of the line Jesus looked pretty ridiculous. He was playing lose with the Scriptures, taking all the laws which were meant to keep Israel in God’s good graces and placing them under the single banner of loving ones neighbor. How often have I heard it preached that God won’t let you into heaven for merely being a “good person.” Jesus sure seems to disagree here. Jesus was suggesting that the Jewish people fundamentally alter their beliefs. No wonder Judas began to believe that perhaps this was not the Christ after all.

Yet, as I began to open the gate at the end of my run I contemplated my own beliefs. I wondered, if Jesus came back and spoke of something contrary to my expectation what would be my response? All too often I believe I would be the first to hammer in the nail. I mean, if he came and proclaimed that people were created for Hell I would probably hammer in two for good measure. I don’t say this with flippant regard, but in utter honesty concerning my convictions. I fear my convictions at times, for the same convictions concerning who I believe is the Christ were in Judas as well.

The question is who is right.

Or perhaps the question is, who is capable to hold these beliefs loosely enough to never pound in a single nail in the first place.

Those people probably don’t exist in Seminary.